Physically Accurate (F=MA) Physics Gun

The Physics Gun Beam supporting a player's weight. This was just a massive 'what if' project constructed to put to rest some thought experiments involving the behavior of the Physics Gun in real life.

The 'what if' was this: What if the physics gun actually obeyed classical newtonian physics?

The way it behaves by default in unmodded sandbox, the physics gun violates Newton's Third Law, because a player lifting/moving an object does not feel the "equal and opposite" force that would usually be generated by such an action. This allows for techniques such as prop flying, where players can fly at immense speeds by standing on objects and lifting them.  Some may find this entertaining, but I see it as a physics atrocity.  If this worked in real life, we'd already be visiting other star systems by now!  I had to do something.

With a little vector math, calculus, and quaternion magic, I was able to rework the physics gunadding back the neglected reaction forces and coupling held objects to the player.  The results of this were extremely entertainingI discovered several new physically accurate tricks and gimmicks that weren't possible with the stock physics gun.  Such features included wedging myself between walls, scaling buildings with hook-shaped props, and even using the inertia of heavy props to fling myself around the map.

I currently have an unscripted showcase of this E2 on Mee's YouTube channel.  Since the beginning of my Garry's Mod server, he's been a friend of mine for a while now.

I'll be posting a scripted, more organized showcase on my channel Soon™.

Special thanks to @Jacbo for providing me the pointVel function, which was necessary to make prop rotation work correctly.  I have not yet taken linear algebra :)